Star wars raider corvette
Star wars raider corvette

star wars raider corvette

The Raider-class corvette was produced by starship construction company Kuat Drive Yards for the Galactic Empire's naval forces its design was reminiscent of the dagger-shaped hulls of larger ships used by the Galactic Empire, such as the Imperial-class Star Destroyer. There were two sub-classes for this line of vessel, the Raider I-class and the Raider II-class corvette. The corvette was equipped with a hyperdrive to complement its use in the Outer Rim Territories as a patrol ship. The hardy corvette was armed with dual heavy laser cannons, turbolasers, and ion cannons, with some variants carrying concussion missiles. Lira Wessex, chief designer of both the Venator-class and Imperial-class Star Destroyers, designed the Raider-class corvette to fill a tactical void the Empire had against the Rebel Alliance's starfighter-oriented strategies. The 150 meter-long corvette was used by the Galactic Empire to support the TIE fighters used to engage the fleet of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Skill: Capital Ship Piloting: Raider-class corvetteĬrew: 92(15 officers and 77 enlisted) Skeleton Crew: 15/+10Ĭrew Skill: Astrogation 4D+1, Capital Ship Piloting 5D+2, Capital Ship Shields 4D+1, Capital Ship Gunnery 5D+2, Sensors 5Dĭescription: The Raider-class corvette was a starship manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards in 6 BBY. Name: Kuat Drive Yards Raider-class corvette Star Wars D/6 online character creator and play aid, play online with friends!

star wars raider corvette star wars raider corvette

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Star wars raider corvette